Heal, Grow, and Thrive with LiveFRē

We offer custom community building workshops, individual or group healing sessions, and childbirth support.

We offer Group sessions, seminars and classes

Community Building

Be a part of our fast growing community by attending one of our events or bring us to one of your events as a speaker or trainer. Schedule a personalized retreat or conference. Bring your business to the next level through ritual and organic interpersonal growth.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Powerful and Simple tools for healing

Collaborative Healing

Set up time to meet with me and I can use my vast tool kit to companion you in your natural healing process. Choose from a variety of approaches to reach your optimal wellness in body, mind, and soul. Meet for a personalized session or schedule a luxurious three-hour mini-retreat.

Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

Holistic childbirth support

Childbirth Support

Support to birth confidently, calmly, and as gently as possible. Have an empowered birth experience for body, mind, and soul and feel the difference a family-centered evidenced based approach makes. Draw on the skills and expertise of an experienced doula to release trauma, fears, and doubts to clear the path for the birth you intend.

Photo by Adele Morris on Unsplash

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in touch and receive a FRē gift.

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EFT has been a gamechanger for me in my career -
it allowed me to deal with large levels of stress, presenting in front of large groups,
and keeping my mind focused.

Learn about EFT or tapping
I truly feel like my life has changed trough her EFT guidance.

Kids can tap too! It makes me feel strong.

                                                        -Lily Jo

I love how empowered and confident I felt this time.
Instead of fighting my body I was able to flow with everything that was happening while
remaining connected to my baby!

-Happy 2nd Time Mom

Community Building with LiveFRē

We are at our best when living in strong communities.

LiveFRē helps strengthen your workplace, group, or family.

She helped me accomplish what doctors could not, and I truly feel like my life has changed trough her EFT guidance.    -Beth McKinney

You can be part of the LiveFRē community while allowing us to help strengthen yours by:

Attending one of our virtual or in-person events. We dive into topics like the Enneagram, EFT (tapping), or other tools to give you a new or deeper understanding of your relationships and journey. You learn while meeting and networking with others interested in these same topics.
Becoming a BeFRē student. This is a powerful program to help you on your journey to being your best self. You will work with Kerstin and meet peers on a similar journey, make connections and grow as an individual.
Booking us to work directly with your community group. Whether your  building a stronger team at work, hosting a retreat, or a are looking to move your business into its next phase, we will work with you to create an experience that fits your group's needs.
Here's what past attendees are saying:
"Thank you Kerstin! I learned so much from your EFT Tapping Session, and it made me rethink my emotions and my own equilibrium. I am excited to learn more and I am so grateful for your time and teaching!"
Testimonials from Kerstin's work with clients
"Thank you so much for such an amazing experience Kerstin! I had never done EFT Taping before and I absolutely loved it! It is always so fun to learn new things and you made it so accessible and comfortable. Thanks again!"

Ready to work with us?

Check our our Resources and Events page to sign up for an upcoming event and join our mailing list to learn about more events in the future.

Email Kerstin@LiveFRē.com or use our Contact Form to get started on customizing an event for your group.
Or click Community Building with LiveFRē to learn more.

Collaborative Healing

Take a deep breath, and remember when you were joyful, light, free, and at your best.
When was the last time you felt like this?

We ALL have things that are keeping us from being our fullest self...healing work we need to do.
What if that healing could be accessible, simple, and faster than you thought possible?

Instead of learning to 'manage' or spending years making small amounts of progress, that energy could go toward true transformation!

Both In-Person and Virtual Options Are Available

The Mission of LiveFRē is to help you be your best

How can LiveFRē support your journey to wholeness?

  1. Explore a variety of tools that can be used individually or in combination during your session. This includes but is not limited to:
    The Enneagram, Archetypes, Clearing, EFT, Reiki, Dreamwork, Embodied Release, Unblocking and more.
  2. "Tapping" Sessions for Emotional Freedom
  3. Energy Sessions for Holistic Balancing and Alignment

How can you work with LiveFRē?

  1. One-on-One Collaborative Healing Sessions
  2. Small Group Private Sessions with Friends and Family
  3. Three Hour Mini-Retreat to Dive Deep and Explore Multiple Modalities
  4. Ten Week Course

What do our clients say?

"I came to Kerstin with chronic pain in my neck and arms that I had suffered with for three years, and after one EFT tapping session with her, I left pain free! I couldn't believe the change, and I now have the EFT tools to turn to when the pain is retriggered. She helped me accomplish what doctors could not, and I truly feel like my life has changed trough her EFT guidance."     -Beth McKinney
I really enjoy your presence and magic, and I just wanted to let you know that, and I loved having that reiki session with you. I just wanted to say hello and I appreciate you and the birth you helped me achieve, and just who you have been in my life.  - doula and reiki client

Let's Get started!
Click the button to learn more about our 10-week course or
to explore more our approach click
Collaborative Healing

Be Free is a 10 week guided course on healing

Childbirth Support

The best gift we can give our children and ourselves is an intentional beginning to their life. With LiveFRē, you can help prepare as parents. Through individual or group classes, I work with you to envision your ideal birth, define your preference, prepare yourself mentally and emotionally, as well as provide tips for navigating the medical system.

Prepare for Childbirth with LiveFRē

“Kerstin unexpectedly attended the delivery of my little Maxine. We're talking, 8 hours prior to the birth and 3 hours after the birth. If words could only describe my gratitude that she came along. She seemed to anticipate every surge, where I was in my delivery, and could interpret everything (no joke) I needed. ...God-Send. Angel. Kerstin, you have marked my baby's life (and mine) forever. Anyone taking a class from Kerstin, you will not regret having her attend your birth.”          -Jennifer Bell

You have several options for working with us and can choose any or all of them. In-Person and Virtual Options are Available

Childbirth Classes

Kerstin blends years of training into a unique approach that helps you prepare your body, mind, spirit, and family for birth.
You will use relaxation techniques, biology, neuroscience, epigenetics, and a variety of modalities in this childbirth class.

Individual Birth Prep Sessions

Don't need the full series of classes but want to set aside some time to prepare for your birth?
Kerstin can customize an individual session for your situation.

Postpartum & Lactation Support

A successful birth doesn't stop when your baby arrives. We know there are many changes that come in those first few weeks after birth.

Doula Support

Image the peace of mind that would come from having extra support at your birth; someone that has been working with you and your family throughout your pregnancy, who knows your birth preferences, and can help you relax and have the birth you are envisioning.
That is what our doula services provide - you receive classes, prep sessions, and postpartum support in addition to having Kerstin at your birth.

Take the Next Step

Reach out to Kerstin@LiveFRē.com or use our Contact Form to set up a FREE consultation.
To learn more about our approach click here: Childbirth Support