With the right tools and support,
you can heal faster than you imagined possible...

At LiveFRe we believe the wisdom to heal already lies within your own unique journey in this life. That is why we call our individual or small group sessions collaborative healing. Using a variety of tools and years of expertise we will empower you to healing gently and naturally in your own exceptional way.

EFT "Tapping"
Emotional Freedom Technique

EFT uses acupressure points to release stress and create balance in the body.  Sometimes change is quick and complete, or with more complex issues, each session is a step in the right direction.

Expanding on Dr. Roger Callahan's Thought Field Therapy® (TFT) Gary Craig developed and shared this Expansive, Easy to Learn, Technique for Eliminating Excess Emotions. EFT® (Emotional Freedom Technique) is based on the discovery that imbalances in the body's energy system have profound effects. A multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, biology, neuroscience, epigenetics, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, together with over 30 years of successful clinical application, EFT re-patterns the brain and releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental trauma as well as the everyday stresses of living. This Technique teaches you how to identify emotions through thought metaphor and image and sequentially Tap on Energy Meridian Points on your body in connection with those emotions. This process can provide a correction and relief from any disruption that exists in our mind and body.

Learn about EFT or tapping

What is EFT for?

EFT is for when our behaviors, thoughts, emotions and health are out of synch with what is actually happening.  Painful memories and times of intense shock or prolonged stress get filed away in our body and have the potential to shape our present actions and health. By reducing stress and safely cleaning out our old files and memories, EFT can take us from re-living the past to re-telling.  Events are not forgotten but they are not needing to be remembered or acted out in our present interactions.

EFT has remarkable effects on Fears, Phobias, Grief and Sadness, Compulsive Thoughts (such as Food Cravings, Tobacco Cravings), Stress and Anxiety problems, Insomnia, Physical Pain of All Sorts, Performance Anxieties (Public Speaking, Sporting Competitions, Test Taking), Limiting Thoughts (Self Esteem / Negative Self Image), Anger Problems, Traumatic Emotional Disorders, Panic Disorders, Nightmares (Adults and Children) and more

EFT is for Everyone

Out of all the modalities and tools we use, EFT is one of our favorites, because you can learn to use it for yourself, you need no equipment or special training, you can do it anywhere, you don’t have to believe in any faith system, and it is completely free to do on your own once you have the basics. Many people have freed themselves from the past and opened up their lives using these techniques on their own while others get further working with a skilled practitioner or group. We have worked with all ages and backgrounds and our children have been tapping since they were tiny. It has been used in colleges, churches, schools, and homes with wild success. The secret to its amazing ability to fit any situation and person is that it is always client led, we simply act as a guide and companion in your discovery of balanced health.



Where do I start? Start where you are at! We can focus on one technique or target something you are working on in particular, or we can mix modalities and see where things go. You don't have to "know" to get started, just jump in!

Is this for everybody? These modalities are beneficial to everyone and work as a complementary therapy to conventional medicine and other therapies.

Do you have to be a certain age to do EFT, receive Reiki, or learn your Enneagram number? You can be any age– from prenatal to the elderly. Some of my favorite experiences are with babes in the womb and very young children. Because these techniques are so gentle, and can do no harm, there are no age restrictions.

Where does the session take place? These modalities can be performed almost anywhere – in the home, hospitals, nursing homes and hospices. Postpartum visits are often done in your own home. We also have a cozy office space and can do virtual appointments by video or phone.

Do I need a referral? You do not need to be referred by a physician or other medical professional to receive a treatment. However, because these modalities are complementary to conventional medicine, medical professionals will often recommend that you receive treatments to improve your overall health and healing.

How much does it cost? Our sessions are on par with other body work and healing modalities. However, we do work on a sliding scale of $75-$100 per hour and accept partial trades as payment. Discounts are given to doula clients and for 3-hour mini retreats. Contact us for group rates.

About Treatments

How many sessions are recommended? The number of sessions is dependent upon your needs. Often for a new client, three treatments are scheduled. After each session, your needs are reassessed to plan the care appropriately. This will include the need for further treatments, referrals to other professionals, and instruction in self-care as needed and in collaboration with you.

How often would I have to be seen? If you have an acute condition such as recent surgery or a recent injury, more benefit is derived by a treatment daily or every other day for three to five visits. If you have a chronic condition, the practitioner will suggest that you be seen once a week for three to five weeks as it sometimes takes up to three visits for there to be a noticeable benefit. However, some clients notice immediate relief after just one session and may continue to explore the skills they learned on their own.

How soon will I notice results? The energy shifts immediately with the integration, like a light being turned on in a dark room. The overall feeling of relaxation is commonly experienced. Pain relief is often reported after one session. Most people report that they feel much "lighter" after the session. That is because they literally are! Emotions such as depression, anger, guilt, etc. are often released. Once released, the void where those emotions were formerly held may be automatically filled with light, truth, love, forgiveness, and joy. With some issues, you will immediately notice they are no longer there because you are not worried about them anymore. That worry is replaced by peace. With other issues, although the energetic changes are in place, you may not recognize the change right away.

How Reiki and EFT Can Help

What are some of the benefits?

  • Reduces pain
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Enhances recovery from surgery
  • Improves mobility after surgery
  • Relieves tension, stress and depression
  • Provides support during chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • Releases traumas, fears, and phobias
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Reduces the effects of trauma and chronic pain
  • Supports the dying process
  • Deepens spiritual connection
  • Reduces the length of hospital stays
  • Support in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum and they physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual level
  • Much more!

Do I have to believe in this for it to work on me? No, you can keep your skepticism and it will still work! Your body's intuitive wisdom will process and benefit from what it knows is for your highest good, whether or not your conscious mind thinks it's "a little out there". Remember, your Spirit will automatically discard anything that it deems is not in your best interest. However, it is important to note that the brain does sometimes resist healing. All those things it has been “protecting” you from for all those years can trigger a defensive response when you intend to heal them. That can be worked through though and is incorporated into the treatment.

Can healing be done long-distance? Yes, because energy is not limited by time or distance, it works just as powerfully whether working with someone one-on-one or at a distance.
Is energy work just for people?
No, many of these modalities can be used for pets or treat or clear a space or home.
Do you recommend these modalities be used in place of traditional medical care?
    Absolutely not. These modalities can be used in conjunction with – not instead of – traditional medical care.

Other Modalities

Family or Small group sessions

Any of these modalities can be done in a family or small group setting. In working with children we prefer to work with the whole family, knowing that healing is often a journey we do not take alone. There is no extra charge for family members to attend a session.

Enneagram Consult

The Enneagram is an ancient wisdom tool exploring personality and it is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected types. The Enneagram defines nine personality types that are represented by the points of a geometric figure called an enneagram. These types are connected to the other numbers in a specific way. Each number acts like a pair of glasses that we each wear in life no matter the situation and being able to name the lens you use as well as its stress and strength points can have a profound influence on your relationships. Many clients will do a consult for the whole family and have found it to be especially helpful tool in parenting. This is a wonderful exploration for yourself or to do in a group or for your organization. For more information and to explore the 9 types see:  www.enneagraminstitute.com and www.9types.com

Enneagram is a tool used at LiveFRē

Reiki Session or Training

Reiki is a Japanese term meaning "Universal Life Energy" referring to an unseen energy that pervades and gives life to everything. Master Usui received the gift of this energy after a 21-day fast on a mountain outside of Kyoto. He used this gift to heal and was able to teach others to do the same. Trained in a traditional reiki lineage, I have found it to be a very effective tool for relaxation and growth and particularly beneficial in the prenatal and postpartum period for mothers and babies. Using light or no touch the practitioner guides the universal energy into your system to bring energy to whatever you wish to heal.  Kerstin is trained as a Reiki Master and is available for trainings and attunements.

Guided Meditation

Experience the healing comfort of a personalized guided mediation tailored to your specific needs. Bring peace to a difficult memory or past trauma, build confidence for a particular situation, shift phobias fears and habits.

Archetype Exploration, Historical Regression, personality tools, energy clearing, Dreamscape Building and more

Healing is not a one size fits all process and so we have dedicated our lives to searching out a variety tools and approaches for a variety of needs and situations.  We have trained with such notable healers as Caroline Myss and Dr. Brian Weiss as well as other healers and masters of their craft.

What to Expect During Your Session

How long does a treatment/session last? A session can run from 15 minutes to 3 hours depending on your needs and if you want to explore multiple modalities in one session or do a deep dive into something. For your first session, we recommend setting aside 90 minutes.

How much to do I need to share? Depending on the modality you can say a lot or a little. I don't even need to know what it is exactly you came in for, and we can still shift things. For EFT there is a verbal component to the treatment, but that can be vague and done through metaphors if the client prefers.

What if I do not like to be touched? All the techniques for Reiki can be done without the practitioner directly touching you and will be just as effective. For EFT you will access the acupressure points yourself, the practitioner will not touch you.

What if I do not feel comfortable during a session? Feedback is always encouraged and welcome. Please speak up. If you do not feel comfortable, your practitioner can (may increase/decrease pressure, provide you with blanket) stop working on the part of your body that is giving you discomfort.

Do I have to undress to receive a reiki session? No, you do not need to undress to receive a reiki session. You can recline or sit on a chair to receive a treatment. Either way, you stay fully clothed but will be asked to remove your shoes. When doing reiki the practitioner uses very light, gentle touch and/or makes sweeping movements with his/her hands near the body.

Can I talk to my practitioner or listen to music during a reiki session? That is up to you. When the environment permits, soothing music may be played during the session. A session is your time to relax and the goal is to provide you with an environment that helps you do just that. You may also feel free to speak with your practitioner during a session. This is your time, however, and many times patients choose to simply lie quietly and receive a treatment.

About Reiki, EFT, and the Energetics of Healing

What is energy work? Energy work helps to restore and balance energy that has been depleted due to, trauma, stress, illness, injury, grief, medical conditions, surgery or medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. The goal is to restore harmony and balance in the human energy system by creating an optimal environment to enable the body's innate tendency for healing to occur.

What happens when our energy system becomes depleted or imbalanced When our energy system is depleted we feel tired, we have difficulty coping and it is difficult for our immune system to function properly. When our energy system is off balance, the energy that usually flows through and around our bodies becomes congested. For example – pain is congested energy. When an individual has pain, the practitioner focuses on removing the energy congestion so that the pain level is reduced. Think of times when you have been stressed and how it affected your body. You may have experienced muscle tightness in your neck and shoulders, developed a headache or had discomfort in other parts of your body. Stress causes congestion in our energy system. Healing Touch techniques help to relieve that congestion.

How does our body respond to energy therapy? Reiki, EFT, and guided meditation promote relaxation. When your body relaxes endorphins are released from the brain, which helps the muscles to relax. When the muscles relax circulation is improved and the increased blood flow elevates oxygen levels throughout the body. This in turn allows nutrients to be absorbed more efficiently, enzymes are built to aid digestion, hormones are regulated, and toxins are released from the body. This allows healthy cells to regenerate and promotes a sense of well-being which then supports healing and regulates the immune system.

Why do you say that it effects body, mind, soul, and emotions? We are integrated beings and we cannot separate the physical from the emotional, mental or spiritual aspects of ourselves. When we are physically ill, we are also affected emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Likewise, when we are stressed or emotional about something we often feel it in our physical body such as developing a headache or we have a change in digestion or have difficulty sleeping. Our body, mind, emotion and spirit are who we are as a whole person and we need to take care of that whole person. Healing effects the whole person.

What research is available on Healing Touch In General? Energy-based modalities are being increasingly studied. Many science disciplines are taking a closer look at the energetics of being human.  For a start The Healing Touch Research website is available to provide documented research on Healing Touch and related modalities. We are just now beginning to see the science catch up to many of these ancient wisdom traditions.

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